5 Tips to Build Your Digital Brand
Staying relevant and engaged in the digital world is a must for today’s marketers. Yet how to be effective when the digital landscape itself is so rapidly changing? Furthermore, the tools and tactics to effectively manage B2B versus B2C digital marketing and social media programs vary greatly. Don’t worry – here are five digital marketing tips that will help you build your digital brand effectively.
1. Keep your digital marketing in line with your brand strategy.
1. Keep your digital marketing in line with your brand strategy.
It may seem like this goes without saying, but it’s crucial that whenever you are releasing a new tweet, posting a new blog, or putting anything onto the internet, that you ask yourself “Is this aligned with our brand strategy” is it part of who we are as a company and the markets we serve? Just being active online for the sake of activity is fruitless and a waste of resources that could better be spent elsewhere. Instead, clear, targeted activity is what will help keep your business relevant in the digital world.
2. Consider your audience – who are you targeting through social media?
2. Consider your audience – who are you targeting through social media?
Recognize that not everyone uses social media, or even the internet. Furthermore, every group in society uses the internet differently. Therefore it’s key to understand your target audience’s demographics and psychographics. Again, remember that this is trial and error – there’s no clear cut best way of doing things when it comes to evolving digital marketing practices. However, understanding your target audience will help you develop digital marketing tactics that will resonate with your audience and engage them more effectively.
3. A few effectively managed digital channels are better than many poorly managed ones.
3. A few effectively managed digital channels are better than many poorly managed ones.
As the saying goes – quality over quantity. This rings especially true when it comes to digital marketing. Having twenty poorly managed websites, social media channels, and newsletters is far less effective than a solid Twitter page, combined with a website and newsletter. Also, it can be overwhelming attempting to manage all the channels that pop up in the evolving digital world. Therefore, start small; building up your digital channels is a better way of handling such change. Remember that no one wants to visit a bland blog, or a useless Facebook page, but would gladly visit an insightful and relevant blog, or engage with an interesting Facebook page.
For more on this point, check out the “Network Mindsets in Nonprofit Management” podcast featuring Beth Kanter.
4. Measure key factors.
4. Measure key factors.
It’s harder than you think. With digital marketing there are so many metrics that can be tracked it’s often hard to know which ones are useful for your business. This may require some trial and error, but to give you some examples here are commonly used metrics: unique site visits, subscriptions should you offer a newsletter, retweets, likes, clicks per visitor, and number of comments. It is important to think through what is your ultimate goal with digital marketing and social media; typically it is to drive more traffic to your website and engage your target. In B2B and B2C marketing this may be as simple as converting website visitors to newsletter subscribers.
5. Think through your digital marketing programs and align it with your firm’s overall marketing and business strategy.
5. Think through your digital marketing programs and align it with your firm’s overall marketing and business strategy.
At the end of the day it’s always important to step back and analyze the progress made with your digital marketing programs. Have you successfully integrated your brand with your online message? How are your key metrics doing? What are possible areas or roles that you can take on in the digital world?
Ultimately remind yourself that, like most skills in life, it will take you some trial and error to get a hang of managing your brand digitally. By keeping your eye on the ball, however, you will be able to maintain your digital connections and expand your online brand.
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