7 Frequently Asked Digital Branding Questions

1. How do I measure the effects of social media on my brand? 

The answer is not so simple – as with many other things, it requires trial and error. First, it’s important to recognize what it is that you’re interested in and want to measure. Second, you need to keep in mind what your end goal is. Some examples include unique visits, click through, time spent on website, and tweets as well as overall brand awareness. For more social media advice, read our 5 Tips to Build Your Digital Brand.

2. Why do I need brand if I have social media? 

It is necessary to recognize that social media is an important mar-com tactic, rather than an overall image strategy. Brand strategy should drive the overarching image behind every interaction in social and digital media. Social media is a means to reach your target audience and communicate with them on a level that is consistent with your overall brand strategy. Learn more with our recent post on social media and content strategy.

3. Why is traditional media necessary for brand awareness building?

Traditional media offers several advantages over a pure social media campaign to help raise brand awareness. Firstly, traditional marketing and media can provide a controlled communication with one of the lowest cost per audience reach metrics. Secondly, traditional marketing involves creating and executing something relatively more tangible which can be amplified with social and digital media. Lastly, social media does not reach all audiences, one of which might be your target.

4. How do I maximize my media mix?

It depends, varying from what type of business you are in and whether you are marketing to B2B or B2C, as well as what your end goals are, what your budget is, and a multitude of other factors. It is important to recognize that there are both pros and cons with each traditional and social media, and to keep that factor in mind when developing your media mix. Click here to read more about managing your brand and what other questions to ask yourself.

5. How important is company culture to effective branding?

Company culture greatly affects branding especially in the service industry. If an entire marketing and related cross functional team is not aligned with the brand strategy and marketing plan; they are not going to be effective in delivering an on-brand customer experience. It is necessary to ensure strong team alignment, culturally within the company, and with the desired direction of the brand strategy. Click here to find out when it’s time for a brand review.

6. How do we brand to Millennials? 

Millennials are what many experts continue to describe as a “game-changer” for marketers. One thing to keep in mind about Millennials is their upbringing in the digital era around new media technologies. As such Millennials are skilled multi-taskers, utilizing multiple screens and devices as they collect and compare information in their purchase journey. Their cohort Gen Z (generally defined as 15-19 years of age) are even more tech-saavy and will require more customized marketing plans for engagement and effective brand-building. Learn more commonly agreed upon assumptions about Millennials.

 7. How do I harness “big data” to build my company brand? 

Big data can be utilized in a variety of ways, one of which is to help develop effective metrics with which to measure ongoing marketing campaigns. Through this, big data can help with brand evaluation, a holistic analysis about the benefits of your brand, both economic and social. For more details on learn more about evaluation and harnessing big data.

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In the digital economy, every customer interaction can represent a branding and business growth opportunity. Learn more through Brand Matters’ Brand Blog based on our branding experts’ interface with Canadian marketing leaders.