Category: brand evaluation

The CMO’s Guide to Brand Metrics

Brand Metrics

September 21, 2017

With marketers’ continued investment in digital and social media, CMOs need to pay close attention to brand metrics. This is particularly important when traditional marketing tactics are employed to ensure that your integrated (traditional, digital and social) marketing campaigns  break through the clutter. With this blog, we share the most effective brand metrics to optimize your… [read more]

Global Branding and Teamwork: Brand as a Bridge

global branding

November 15, 2016

As the founder of a Canadian branding company, Brand Matters, I am participating as a branding expert in a global branding project with the International Standards Organization (ISO). This standards project pertains to the challenging process of evaluating an intangible asset such as brand. The work involves bi-annual meetings and on-going committee work. A central… [read more]

Brand as a Reflection of Society and a Colourful Benchmark of History

June 17, 2015

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Brands in London, England while at an international symposium on brand management and measurement. The Museum of Brands boasts a collection of over 12,000 brands as represented by packaging, posters, toys and games. Given the roots of modern day advertising in London, the… [read more]

Brand Metrics Key to Digital Marketing Success

July 28, 2014

As organizations devote more of their budgets to digital and social marketing, marketers find themselves wrestling with the need to demonstrate to senior management and their board that these efforts are resulting in tangible payback. Stakeholders want quantifiable results from their brand building investments and brand metrics are considered key. As digital and social marketing… [read more]


In the digital economy, every customer interaction can represent a branding and business growth opportunity. Learn more through Brand Matters’ Brand Blog based on our branding experts’ interface with Canadian marketing leaders.