Category: brand promise
The Power of Brand Naming and Name Generation
October 28, 2014
When you think of Tesla, several images pop into your head, some of which may be associated with the scientist, while others with the electric car vehicle manufacturer, Tesla Motors. Similarly, when you think of Facebook, there is no confusion about what comes to mind (the online social media platform), but there is also a… [read more]
How to Build Brand Through Storytelling
March 27, 2014
We are constantly bombarded by information in our daily lives. Information abounds, facts and statements shape our opinions. In this environment it is essential to form an emotional connection between your brand and your customers. As branding experts, we can benefit our customers with effective storytelling. Stories resonate with us on an emotional level. They… [read more]
Brand Management 101
February 26, 2014
Brands are critical to business success. They define your identity, they are how customers view and think of you. They convey your customer/consumer promise. As such it is essential to manage your brand proactively. Yet where do you start? What do you consider? How do you act? Never fear, this is Brand Management 101. What is… [read more]
Brand Strategy and Content Strategy: How to Make it Successful
January 7, 2014
In a high-tech, fast-paced competitive marketplace where sought-after products, services and experiences can be duplicated in the blink of an eye, brand is key to building organizational distinctiveness that can be leveraged to competitive advantage. But what exactly is brand strategy and how does it make a difference? The following are a few tips about… [read more]